Roll the dice and play on Macomb’s Historic Courthouse Square! Macombopoly is the world’s largest Monopoly-style game of its kind, paying homage to both the classic board game and its inspiration – The Landlord's Game, invented by former Macomb resident Elizabeth “Lizzie” Magie-Phillips.
This permanent attraction, available 24/7 365, features an immersive, state of the art App powered by eATLAS! that allows players to experience the classic game though trivia, historic events, and videos. Lizzie Magie will even tell you her own stories as her photographs come to life! You might even have to Go To Jail. All this while using the entire historic square as the 4,000 foot game board.
Plus, larger-than-life game pieces surround the Courthouse lawn – including giant spinning dice, a recreation of Abraham Lincoln’s famous stovepipe hat, – plus a life-size sculpture of Lizzie Magie-Phillips, all masterfully sculpted by Gabe Stevens of MasterPiece Customs.
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